7/25/22: Christmas in July! (The Bruery's 2 Turtle Doves)

3:17 PM

This has been an absolute whirlwind of a summer and I've been torn pretty damn asunder by it. Luckily, today's about tradition. It's July 25th. That means one thing: Christmas in July!

I have something special for you today: The 2021 variant of the Bruery's 2 Turtle Doves. This dropped late in the holiday season last year and, against whatever odds might have been stacked against me, I managed to track a single bottle of it down before it sold out. Now, it's time to pop it open and see how Christmassy I can make the rest of the day.

The Bruery, an award winning brewery from Placentia, CA, was first dreamed up by (now-Master Cicerone) Patrick Rue. The renowned (because they're renowned) and award-winning brewery's guided by flavor and experience; they want each Bruery beer you have to be something delicious that knocks the socks off of your feet.

2 Turtle Doves brims with notes of clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, orange peel, and ginger. The 10.6% ABV Belgian ale's a reimagining of the Bruery's original 12 Days release (where each year is named after a verse in the traditional "Twelve Days of Christmas").

I'm finding caramel and plums on the front of the ale's nose. When I dig a little deeper, though, I suss out the clove, the ginger, and the nutmeg. And then, just beyond all of that, I stumble across orange zest and chocolate. There's also a distinct piney quality here, too. This is a delectable bouquet and exactly what I'd expect from a beer with 2 Turtle Doves' pedigree. Purrl gave my glass seven whiffs, meaning that she appreciates the ale as much as I do.

A few paragraphs ago I mentioned something about the Bruery making beers with wow factor. Well, 2 Turtle Doves is one of wow-worthy ales. I say this because that chocolate I mentioned previously is big here: rich, dark, and coffee-eque. Beyond this, that plum I noted (with some added fig and clove) comes through swinging, followed by those wonderful Christmas spice and orange notes. Then, in the long finish, a boozy warmth lingers with plum, clove, caramel, and orange. 

The mouthfeel here? Velvet. Just, a full velvet. 

Now, since I'm doing the whole "glass" thing, we'll make a quick stop so I can talk a little about the ale's appearance. It's a deep and dark chocolate color with a creamy, slow-to-fade, tightly-laced khaki head. In short, the 2 Turtle Doves looks as good as it tastes.

Yesterday, in preparation for the half-holiday, Michelle and I put on a Hallmark Christmas movie. We watched about half an hour of it before changing the channel. I have some plans to spin a Christmas vinyl or two this evening but, for right now, I'm focusing on the beer.

And, you know what? Against all odds (because before starting this post I wa feeling super Christmassy), the ale is doing the trick. I'm starting to think of snow and sleigh bells. 

The Bruery is a world-class brewery. 2 Turtle Doves is world-class beer. I'm giving my bottle 9.0/10. It's a damn-near out-of-the-park homerun. Now, I'm off to watch the Scrubs Christmas special. 

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