7/2/22: Jackie O's Pub and Brewery's Double Who Cooks

12:21 PM

Okay, okay. I promise you that I didn't intend to do to Jackie O's beers in a row. Hell, until a few days ago, I had no clue today's beer existed. But the stars suddenly aligned and here we are.

We're doing an owl beer today, and there's a point to it (one we'll get to in due time). Here we go: Jackie O's Double Who Cooks.

I'm pretty sure that you know about Jackie O's by now, so I won't go into the history of Athens, OH's first brewery. I will, however, drop this link to their "Our Story" page so you can head there for a refresher (or introduction) if you need it. Quick and dirty? They're A-town's first brewery, they're award-winning, and they're community-oriented.

Double Who Cooks (or, as stated on this page, Double Who Cooks for You) is a DIPA reimagining of Jackie O's Who Cooks for You (a great hazy IPA to which I can't believe I haven't dedicated a proper post! I'll amend that later on this calendar year). Double Who Cooks is a double hazy that clocks in at 8.5% ABV and (thanks to aggressive dry-hopping of Citra and Mosaic hops) is juicy and fruity.

The DIPA has a seriously huge fruity bouquet. I'm plunging into juicy notes of orange, pineapple, guava, and passionfruit. I can find a touch of pine way back in the nose, but this is barely a hint. Which, you know, is fine. The fruit aromatics are really the backbone of the ale's aroma profile. I love it and Purrl does, too; she gave my can a whopping twenty-eight whiffs!

I'm both shocked and happy to report that Double Who Cooks boasts a jammy flavor profile. Seriously, pair this with a peanut butter sandwich and some chips for a fine lunch. Really digging into it (setting the jamminess aside), all those fruits I mentioned in the previous paragraph are present and accounted for here. There's a slight wet straw flavor lurking under the fruit that greets me before a sharp and short hit of booze--nothing that'll topple anyone over, mind you. All in all, given the bouquet, this is a damn fitting way for this beer to taste.

Moving into the mouthfeel portion of this writeup, Jackie O's has crafted a great hazy, juicy, almost creamy ale. This is a filling beer.

Like I said near the top of this post, there's a reason why I'm drinking an owl beer today ("Who cooks for you" is the call of a barred owl, which is featured on the original Who Cooks can and whose evolved form is prominent on my Double Who Cooks). See, I play through The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening each summer. It's a tradition I've been upholding for a decade now. There's something special about the game that just makes it a summertime thing. And, thanks to its short length, all I need is a weekend to finish it to my liking. 

I like to designate a new refreshment annually to accompany each playthrough and (due to the prominence of the Owl character in the game), I usually hunt down a beer with an owl pictured on its label (I also do beers featuring flying whales; it's a thing in the game). In the past I've done Bell's Best Brown, the standard Who Cooks for You, Blake's (now-defunct cider) Archimedes, and Eylsian's Night Owl (yeah, I did have to hold these last two back from their actual release seasons for this purpose). It's some sort of providence that, right at the start of the summer, Jackie O's released this amped-up Who Cooks.

Normally I wait until the end of the summer to break into the game. Michelle and I have some major things happening as the summer wears on (I'm not sure I'll get into any of it here on the blog), though, so I'm using my long Independence Day weekend as my designated Link's Awakening time. I'm stoked to get through the game super fast, like always. And I'm stoked to have such a killer ale to see me through it.

Look, I didn't think I'd do two Jackie O's beers in a row, nor did I think I'd score them both perfectly. Yet, here we are. Double Who Cooks (for You) is another 10/10 from this storied brewery. Do miss out on this quintessential hazy double IPA--it's a limited affair. Now, if you don't mind, that Wind Fish isn't going to wake itself.

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