7/4/20: Warped Wing Brewing Company's Trotwood Lager with Real Lime Juice

10:40 AM

How hot is it where you are? It's 90° on my porch, where I'm sitting while writing this post. It's been in the 90s the last week and it'll be in the 90s for the week to come. Wish those people who said the summer heat would kill the virus were right. Oh well.

Because it's so hot and because of the virus, we won't be seeking out fireworks tonight. I'll do some yard work later on and maybe some dishes. Michelle's working on her taxes. We're just doing an incredibly subdued Independence Day 2020. But, it's not without beer. Case in point: This can of Warped Wing's Trotty Lime beside my laptop.

Warped Wing's been getting a lot of love on here in 2020. So, this is how I'll do their rundown today: First, I'll give you the link to their "About Warped Wing" page. Next, I'll tell you that the brewery, named after an invention that helped the Wright brothers harness the power of flight, is a nod to the creativity with which it approaches beer and the innovation Ohio (especially Dayton, Warped Wing's home) tends to showcase.

Trotty Lime doesn't have a spot on WW's website, meaning that, as always, we'll turn to Untappd for what we need to know. It's a 4% ABV lager (Trotwood) with an addition of real lime juice. Easy enough.

Alright. Getting into the lager's nose, it's much more than you might think. Sure, there's that toasted bread lager quality to it but there's also a deep malt character akin to what you'd get from an American Octoberfest, with all those caramel and toffee notes. Then you have the lime, which adds more than only lime. It's accompanied by bright floral aromatics and a tiny bit of spice--nutmeg or allspice. All of this adds up to the best bouquet I've ever experienced on a lager. Purrl gave it six whiffs, so she could take it or leave it.

The flavor profile is the perfect fit for this terrible 90° day. It's crisp and slightly metallic with a malty, caramel backbone. All of that gets washed over with a sweet lime kick in the finish. Sure, it's simpler than the nose but that's okay.

Trotty Lime's mouthfeel is something else for a lager. Robust and creamy. Utterly quenching and resoundingly crushable.

Drinking this beer is like laying in a hammock in the shade. The wind blowing through the boughs overhead, causing sunlight to splatter across your legs and face while the same breeze offers a cooling breath to the heat.

You turn your music up a little louder as you sit and crack open the beer you brought out with you. You take a swig before nestling back down and closing your eyes, thoroughly enjoying your afternoon off.

Trotwood Lager with Real Lime Juice is the cure for today's heat, and for this summer's blues. Warped Wing's crafted something supremely special here. It's as 10/10 as a beer can get and it's hands-down the best lager I've ever had. They ran out of it at the taproom, but you might be fortunate enough to find some at a grocery store like I did. Good luck!

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