10/4/19: Ellicottville Brewing Company's Pumpkinville Latte

4:39 PM

Today is the first autumn day that actually feels autumnal. When I took Lottie out this morning, I was compelled to throw on a hoodie because it was 54°. Can you believe it? Better yet, the forecast isn't showing anything above the 70°s for the next few weeks (it's refusing to show me anything further than that). What a spectacular day to put up my second Spooky Finger Puppet Ghost Month post!

For your frightful pleasure today, I'll be discussing Ellicottville Brewing Company's (EBC from now on) addition to the wide array of pumpkin beers: Pumpkinville Latte. Let's find out if it's up to the blog's spooky standards.

EBC is headquartered in Ellicottville, NY, where it has been since its founding in 1995. Currently, their operation includes three locations (with fourth on the way!) that aim to promote brewing and beer culture in Western New York. Be sure to check out EBC's "Our History" page for the full story.

At 6.5% ABV, EBC's Pumpkinville Latte is brewed with locally-sourced ingredients. These include pumpkins, freshly-roasted coffee, and "seasonal spice" (I'm guessing: nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, and cloves). It's flavor is, as described in its official write-up, balanced, big, and bold.

There's a good bit of coffee on Pumpkinville's nose. This has a sweetness when mingled with the pumpkin and the spice of the ale (imagine a whipped cream topping and you'll get what I mean). There's also a butteriness in the aroma about which I'm not entirely sure how I feel. But, you know, EBC nailed the pumpkin and the coffee. Purrl seems to share in my trepidation of the brew: She only gave my bottle four whiffs before pulling away.

The pumpkin and the spices you'd expect from a pumpkin ale are in the fore of the ale's flavor and the coffee (almost cold brew-like) lingers a little behind those notes and carries into the finish. However, between the pumpkin/spice and the coffee, and interlacing the coffee in the finish, is an almost creamcheese butteriness. I know that there are those of you who probably like this quality in a pumpkin beer. I'm not a fan of it. But, without that, I can definitely get behind what this ale's trying to do.

The mouthfeel is standard for an ale: mild carbonation. This, however, comes off as fuller and more robust than it actually is due to the coffee present in the beer. It's a great little touch.

When we lived in the city (we've since moved away from its center) I'd spend rainy fall nights on our balcony, watching the droplets flood our little streetlamp-lit avenue. I'd position myself under our small overhang and pull the jacket I wore tightly around me. Occasionally, I'd pull a swig from my pumpkin ale--I always had a pumpkin ale with me on those rainy balcony nights.

The orange hue of the streetlights shone beautifully in the rain. The sound of the downpour overpowered the traffic blazing by on the main drag to which our street was connected. The pumpkin ale added a certain spooky air to everything. Those nights are what Pumpkinville is bringing to my mind.

EBC's Pumpkinville Latte is a beer I really wanted to love--you see, I'm a big fan of pumpkin spice lattes. However, that strange creamcheesy sweetness is a sticking point for me. Maybe it's only in my bottle, but this bottle is the one I have to review. I'm giving it a 7.5/10. Like I said, there's a chance that creamcheese flavor is your thing. If it is, find yourself some if this! But, if not, maybe don't actively seek out a sixer.

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