6/10/17 Braxton Brewing Company's Haven

5:59 PM

Bad news, faithful readers--it's that awful time of year where my electric bill skyrockets. We have a really drafty apartment and only have a box fan and rickety old window a/c units to keep us cool during these warmer months. These are energy sucks. On days where it's in the 80s and 90s I can just about feel the money pouring out of my pockets and into the greedy hands of the electric company.

But, it's not all bad. I mean, I still have some badass beers to enjoy. Take, for instance, the one I'm enjoying today. I think it's technically Braxton's spring seasonal but it's a hefeweizen and, hot damn, do I love a hefe on a hot day. I've had this lone can in my fridge since I bought it a few months ago. Will my first impressions of this beer negate my money-draining air-conditioning woes?

While I may not have had Haven before, I've had plenty of Braxton's other brews (browse my Untappd to see) and I've loved them all. Eager as I was to know more about the Covington, KY brewery, I ran to their "Our Story" page. Apart from being a tribute to the inventive space known as the American garage, this page it divulges one intriguing piece of intel: Evan Rouse, the company's head brewer, has been making beer on his own since he was sixteen. To cement how inventive this guy is, here's an anecdote--when I was sixteen, wonderful beers like Natty were all the rage amongst my friend group. No wonder Braxton only offers quality beverages.

Haven is an interesting beer if only because that can explicitly states that it's meant to be stored upside-down until consumption. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's interesting in its own right (it's official page informs readers/drinkers that the 5.2% ABV hefeweizen has banana and clove qualities), but come on. Having your drinkers store your cans upside-down is pretty cool.

I'm getting a fantastic yeastiness from the brew's nose. It's definitely clove-esque, but I'm not getting much banana here. Honestly, this smells like a Belgian blonde ale, and I love that. Purrl gave it a handful of whiffs (I counted four) before focusing on the birds taunting her on the other side of her window.

I am getting plenty of banana in the hefeweizen's finish. This is a great straw-like brew that pairs exceptionally well with a warm (technically) late-spring evening such as this. The yeast quality is present but not overwhelming. There's also a subtle sweetness layered under everything else it showcases. This is an exceptional presentation of the style.

All wheat-based beers should be creamy and Haven is no exception to this assertion. And, you know what? It's creamy. Go, Braxton.

This beer reminds me of the summer my family moved out from town to the county. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince had just come out (don't worry, my friend totally spoiled the ending for me a week before I got there myself) (dick) and the thought of moving to the country bummed me out a little. I would no longer be walking/biking/running distance to my friends' houses. Internet would be slower for us than it already was (we had Roadrunner at the time of the move but all internet was pretty slow in 2005).

But other thoughts made moving to the country more bearable: I would get to paint my room whatever color I wanted (I chose orange). I would no longer sleep right across from my parents' bedroom (meaning I could stay up as late as I wanted). There was more room to spread out.

I loved living in the country. The summer we moved into that house was hot and hectic. But, once we were in and unpacked, it was wonderful. I'm a city dweller (for now) but Haven brings me back to those easy days of fields, trees, and the occasional mooing of a cow.

It's a shame that Haven is Braxton's spring seasonal because it'd be one of my go-to summer drinks if it were available then. Not only is it definitely making me forget all about my air-conditioning scenario, it's a shining example of the hefeweizen style and everything it has to offer. I'm giving it a 10/10. If you can still get a your hands on it, please do. If not, look forward to nabbing some next spring.

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