7/12/15 Update: Ohio Brew Week and Beyond

7:03 AM

I'll be at Ohio Brew Week in Athens for most of this week! I'm driving there tonight and won't be coming back to Cincinnati until Thursday.

While I'm excited, this does mean some things for the blog. Because I'll be away from the beer I have waiting to review, and Purrl waiting to be photographed, I won't be able to make my usual type of post. But, over the coming days, I'll be surrounded by more beer and cider than I know what to do with. It makes sense for me to somehow incorporate that into the blog, right?

I agree. It does make sense. And I will be writing daily blog posts starting tomorrow and running through Thursday (7/16) and each will serve as a recap of my previous night. I have no idea how long these posts will be but I do know that they'll have plenty of pictures (just no Purrl). It'll be almost like you're at Brew Week with me. Almost.

If you, for some reason, don't want to wait until the following day to see what my nightly Brew Week experience is like, have no fear for I have you covered. I'll be posting each and every beer I try on Untappd, I'll post bar/brewery/general venue pictures on Instagram, and I'll tweet about some of my experiences on that social network where you tweet things (don't worry. Swig will be a part of my week, too). As long as you're following me on any of those social media you'll be good to go.

Here's a picture of Purrl and her breakfast, for your viewing pleasure.
Now that I've gotten Brew Week out of the way, I feel like I should announce that over the next few weeks/months you'll see some new kind of posts on the blog. The main one is guest posts; in an effort to update more regularly than I currently do I've enlisted the help of fellow beer lovers/writers. I'll be posting their reviews as I acquire them.

Would you like to write about your favorite (or least favorite) brew for John Likes Beer Blog? You're in luck because I have an infinite amount of guest spots left. Just send an email to the address on my contact page to get the ball rolling. I'm a nice guy and I'll be grateful for your help!

I have a few more odd end posts planned but I want them to be surprises, so I won't get into them here. Just know that I'll continue to do my best to crank out quality beer writing for you guys. Thanks for sticking around and reading my words.

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